
    來來來,最近大家一片低迷,石油漲價,黃金飆漲,什麼都漲,就是薪水不漲,來說個故事吧,我說笑話不好笑,不過這是我的老師的慘痛經驗,就說給大家聽聽吧。(BTW,要用英文寫比較快 )

    話說昨天晚上,我們一如往常上著西班牙文課,課程如常進行,我們家的委內瑞拉帥哥─愛德華突然非常緊張地喊「Paul, lock the door, lock the door. 」,(Paul 是我們的同學,一個年紀比較大的同學,坐在門旁邊),所有同學一陣狐疑地看著這個老外,沒辦法理解他怎麼突然這麼緊張,不過Paul還是很配合地趕快把門上了鎖。

    老外說故事時間開始:「That lady, (此時窗外有一名女人飄過,說女人客氣了點,應該年過五十的一名阿桑),she's crazy,but she's not dangerous,just lock the door.」當大家還搞不清楚狀況的時候,愛德華先生又開始動作啦:「I think i had better hide for a while」(愛德華先生換了上課站的位置,改面對牆壁,並且躲到教室柱子後面)


    Time to story,愛德華說:「Six months ago,  I was at McDonald's, and prepared the class. The lady came to me and asked," Can you speak English?"
She:Where are you from?
愛德華:I come from Venezuela.
Then, she started to talk to me in Spanish.She said she had ever lived in Brazil for 25 years. That's why she speaks Spanish,too.  She asked about my job and I told her the add of the cram school. When I wanted to leave McDonald's for the class. She just pulled my hand and said, " Don't go. come to my home and I'll cook for you. it's all free. "  The next day,the lady came to the school and told the manager, " I'm 愛德華's friend. I can speak French,Portugee and Spanish, you have to give me a job. " The manager rejected her request and she just left for 3o minutes. Then she came back with food .She never appeared until last week.

Last Thursday, I'm in 1 on 2 class. The lady just appeared. She opened the door and had a seat on her own. When I told her that she has to leave the class. She said nothing but sitting there. After reading what I wrote on the white board, she left the classroom.」

    聽他說完這些事情,教室裡的人都起了一陣雞皮疙瘩,當我們問他要不要幫他call the police,這個老外說:「I'm not sure if her family knows her disease but she's not dangerous. Maybe she just wants to talk to smoebody. especially the foreigners.」真虧這個老外,有這麼peaceful的想法。



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